For having a big group (13 is a big group for me) for dinner, Debi and I had a pretty relaxing day. We told people to come around 1:00 pm for games and appetizers. Orjantan came at 12:30 to help us. We played cards on the patio until Erik and Bernice arrived at 4:30. Lightness, Orjantan’s sister, came at 5:30 pm with her daughter, Purity, who is a year old, and Harrison, age 7. The rest all came at about 7 pm. Tanzanian time. Don had gone into work, expecting to be home late morning. He didn’t get home until 2:30. The plan was that Don was going to bbq the turkey. It turns out there are two kinds of briquettes and we had the wrong kind that burned too fast. So we sent Orjantan to get the right kind. The turkey didn’t start cooking until about 5 pm so our timing was off. But all worked out well. Everything was cooked to perfection and it was fun to introduce the Tanzanians to an American feast. Everyone seemed to like the food and ate everything. We got to FaceTime with Kari and family before dinner which was really fun! Little Purity was so entertaining. There were hugs all around when everyone left, knowing that I was leaving tomorrow. I’m so tired but it was a wonderful thanksgiving! I certainly have so much to be thankful for! I have been truly blessed with incredible family and friends.
Posted by adventuregirl88 11:12