Time to relax
After breakfast we walked to our hotel that had moved us and asked to see our room before deciding which hotel we wanted. The room was bigger with a double and a single and a nice patio area rather private. So we packed up and moved back to Baraka Beach Bungalows. After settling in I went for a swim and thenwe went to the restaurant and they began teaching me cribbage. So we spent the morning playing. I’m learning! We ordered lunch. We had seen a man bring a bunch of fish so we ordered the snapper that we had seen. The. Power was out so they fried it over gas. It was really good but lots of bones. Did I mention that it’s hot here? We went for a swim and it was so refreshing! It is so beautiful here! We came back to our room and sat on the porch and read for a while. The time seemed to slip away and we got ready for happy hour then down the beach for dinner. Some of the restaurants have a table with all the seafood laying on it. We saw a fish we didn’t recognize but we ordered it and it was delicious!
We came back to our room and settled in for the night. Another great day!
Posted by adventuregirl88 10:39